Monday, October 6, 2008

Free Internet Training-Updates

We have held two major seminars at our Corporate office this year 2008: 13th September 2008 and 1st October 2008. They were wonderful sessions for particiapants and our resource persons.

We had 13 people and 30 people in attendace at the first and second editions repesctively.

You too can be a partaker these wonderful programmes:

We gave three major courses ITP 101, ITP 102 and ITP 103.

We welcome the participants with the Introduction to the Cyberspace(ITP101) course, whose objective is to teach internet terminilgies, technologies and facilities. Helping particpant to learn how to browse the internet and to use the internet productively.

In ITP 102-Business and Professional opportunities on the internet we introduce affliate marketting, infomarketting, web programming, website desing/hosting, domain name registration with the aim of helping our members to develop their interest and passion for profit on the internet.

Our ITP 103 programme is to mobilise and empower participants to join our Internet Integrity Group(IIG) to become activist who insist on Right Behaviour on the Internet. We fight against ponography and fraudulent activities(scam) on the internet.

The climax is the signing of the AntiPorn Covenant Card. Here members commit themselves to shun ponography and fraudulent practice on the NET.

Be A Beneficiary

You can be a benficiary of our next edition by sending SMS -I am INTERESTED- to the following GSM numbers indicating YOUR NAME, AGE, SEX : 07033937908, 07030331927, 08039266241.

1 comment: said...

hello Sir,
When next is you computer training Programme.
I have some business ideas to sell on CDs.